Note: Our studio and Gallery are closed for renovations until November 2024.
WORKSHOPS: We will re-commence our workshops in 2025. They will be bookable through the ClassBento website and we will provide a link here.
MARKETS We will not be attending markets until 2025, and will announce our attendance details here and on social media.
Our range of porcelain and rose gold pendants and jewellery aims to capture the mystery of the menhirs, dolmens and stone circles of western Europe. These porcelain pendants are modeled in the spirit of those stone monuments and feature incised pre-Celtic designs.
Please NOTE: Under Govt. regulations (12 August 2021), we are limited to 5 visitors at a time in the gallery and all visitors must wear a face mask.
Our Murrumbateman Gallery is currently open by appointment (Tues-Sun) during the Covid-19 crisis for visitors from non-lockdown areas. Please call ahead to book a time to come to our gallery. This is to ensure that there is only one customer group inside at a time. Call: 0410 699 262 or 0417 583 618.
We have hand sanitiser, masks and gloves available for your safety. You will be asked to check in with the NSW Covid App or sign a Trace Register.
Please note this situation is subject to change, pending Australian Govt. regulations.
Markets are slowly opening up again across Australia and we will announce details here as market operators confirm dates to us.
Workshops at Hillgrove in 2021: Please contact us by email to enquire about small-group workshops with us. Alternatively, follow us on Facebook where we will announce the resumption of speciality workshops when Covid restrictions are lifted.